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(abuts? i oi)

True if this interval abut with the other one

True if this interval abut with the other one
sourceraw docstring


(contains? i o)

True if the interval contains the given instant or interval

True if the interval contains the given instant or interval
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(end i)

Gets the end instant of the interval

Gets the end instant of the interval
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(gap i oi)

Gets the gap between this interval and the other one or nil

Gets the gap between this interval and the other one or `nil`
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(interval o)
(interval a b)

Constructs an interval out of a string, start and end instants or a start

  • duration:

(j/interval "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z/2013-01-01T00:00:00Z") => #<Interval 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z/2013-01-01T00:00:00Z>

(j/interval (j/instant 100000) (j/instant 1000000)) => #<Interval 1970-01-01T00:01:40Z/1970-01-01T00:16:40Z>

(j/interval (j/instant 100000) (j/duration 15 :minutes)) => #<Interval 1970-01-01T00:01:40Z/1970-01-01T00:16:40Z>

Constructs an interval out of a string, start and end instants or a start
+ duration:

(j/interval "2010-01-01T00:00:00Z/2013-01-01T00:00:00Z")
=> #<Interval 2010-01-01T00:00:00Z/2013-01-01T00:00:00Z>

(j/interval (j/instant 100000) (j/instant 1000000))
=> #<Interval 1970-01-01T00:01:40Z/1970-01-01T00:16:40Z>

(j/interval (j/instant 100000) (j/duration 15 :minutes))
=> #<Interval 1970-01-01T00:01:40Z/1970-01-01T00:16:40Z>
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(interval? o)

True if Interval

True if `Interval`
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(move-end-by i & os)

Moves the end instant of the interval by the sum of given periods/durations/numbers of milliseconds.

(move-start-by (interval 0 10000) (millis 1000) (seconds 1)) => #<Interval ...:00Z/...:12Z>

Fails if the new end instant falls before the start instant.

(move-end-by (interval 0 10000) (millis -11000)) => DateTimeException...

Moves the end instant of the interval by the sum of given
periods/durations/numbers of milliseconds.

  (move-start-by (interval 0 10000) (millis 1000) (seconds 1))
  => #<Interval ...:00Z/...:12Z>

Fails if the new end instant falls before the start instant.

  (move-end-by (interval 0 10000) (millis -11000))
  => DateTimeException...
sourceraw docstring


(move-end-to i new-end)

Moves the end of the interval to the given instant (or something convertible to an instant):

(move-end-to (interval 0 10000) (instant 15000)) => #<Interval ...:00Z/...:15Z>

Fails if the new end instant falls before the start instant:

(move-end-to (interval 0 10000) (millis -1)) => DateTimeException...

Moves the end of the interval to the given instant (or something
 convertible to an instant):

 (move-end-to (interval 0 10000) (instant 15000))
 => #<Interval ...:00Z/...:15Z>

Fails if the new end instant falls before the start instant:

 (move-end-to (interval 0 10000) (millis -1))
 => DateTimeException...
sourceraw docstring


(move-start-by i & os)

Moves the start instant of the interval by the sum of given periods/durations/numbers of milliseconds:

(move-start-by (interval 0 10000) (millis 1000) (seconds 1)) => #<Interval ...:02Z/...:10Z>

Fails if the new start instant falls after the end instant.

(move-start-by (interval 0 10000) (millis 11000)) ; => DateTimeException...

Moves the start instant of the interval by the sum of given
periods/durations/numbers of milliseconds:

  (move-start-by (interval 0 10000) (millis 1000) (seconds 1))
  => #<Interval ...:02Z/...:10Z>

Fails if the new start instant falls after the end instant.

  (move-start-by (interval 0 10000) (millis 11000))
  ; => DateTimeException...
sourceraw docstring


(move-start-to i new-start)

Moves the start instant of the interval to the given instant (or something convertible to an instant):

(move-start-to (interval 0 10000) (instant 5000)) => #<Interval ...:05Z/...:10Z>

Fails if the new start instant falls after the end instant:

(move-start-to (interval 0 10000) (millis 15000)) => DateTimeException...

Moves the start instant of the interval to the given instant (or something
 convertible to an instant):

 (move-start-to (interval 0 10000) (instant 5000))
 => #<Interval ...:05Z/...:10Z>

Fails if the new start instant falls after the end instant:

 (move-start-to (interval 0 10000) (millis 15000))
 => DateTimeException...
sourceraw docstring


(overlap i oi)

Gets the overlap between this interval and the other one or nil

Gets the overlap between this interval and the other one or `nil`
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(overlaps? i oi)

True if this interval overlaps the other one

True if this interval overlaps the other one
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(seq-move-end-by i os)

Use move-end-by with vararags

Use `move-end-by` with vararags
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(seq-move-start-by i os)

Use move-start-by with vararags

Use `move-start-by` with vararags
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(start i)

Gets the start instant of the interval

Gets the start instant of the interval
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